Saturday, October 08, 2005
10:40 AM
Wad is love?
have u ever asked urself tt question?
is it marriage?
is it living wif another person?
is it having someone to make ur coffee everyday?
is it when someone who opens their mouths to say"i love u"?
is it having a family wif a person?
is tt love?
i dun think so....
love is a complex, beautiful thing!
it is beautiful in its full glory, but at its lows it kinda sucks....
so, wad is love?
well, i'll tell u...
it is when u want to be wif someone...
when u r willing to give up ur life for tt person...
when every moment u spend away from tt person is sheer pain...
when u want to wake up next to tt have her safely in ur arms...
protect her from all harm....
make her if all else doesnt matter...
give urself up to tt person...doing anything and everything for her... love...
how do i noe?
coz im in love....
and tts wad i feel.